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Make a donation

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Fonds général pour la mission de la Fondation

General donation

Small or large, every donation is important and helps make a difference in the lives of those who benefit from it.

The in memoriam donation is an opportunity to honor the memory of a deceased person and offer your condolences to their loved ones, while supporting the cause. The Foundation will inform the family of the donation(s) received, so it is important to provide the contact information of the person to be notified.

Gift of recognition

The gift of recognition is to show your gratitude to the doctors, nurses, attendants and any other person who took care of you or one of your loved ones during their hospitalization.

Dedicated funds

À un département ou installation

A donation dedicated to a department allows you to directly support the services and care provided in the department of your choice. Whether it's in support of pediatrics, oncology, or another service, your contribution helps improve equipment and care conditions for the patients who need it.

Bouge pour que ça bouge
For Bouge pour que ça bouge

One of the priority projects of the Fondation Santé Baie-des-Chaleurs is to get the community moving in order to bring them a dose of happiness. Contribute with the foundation.

Maison de soins palliatifs de la Baie-des-Chaleurs
To the Maison de soins palliatifs de la Baie-des-Chaleurs

The Fondation Santé Baie-des-Chaleurs is a partner in the operational management of donations dedicated to the Baie-des-Chaleurs Palliative Care Home.

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